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We're Marie Torres and Andrew Murray.

I am so glad you’ve taken the time to check us out ????

Back over 13 years ago, Andrew and I made a decision that would change our lives forever.

You see, when we were still young kids (working towards our college degrees) we were inadvertently exposed to business online andfrom the moment we realized you could create an income from home, we were hooked. 

Since then, we have built multiple businesses that have produced over 6 figures in sales. 

Plus, we've helped thousands of entrepreneurs; built thousands of websites and funnels in the networking and knowledge based industry and taught business owners how to build successful marketing campaigns that consistently produce leads and sales.

Today, I am going to share with you the 200 year old Japanese secret that has allowed us to stay atop of our industry for more than a decade and allowed us to become premiere trainers in our industry…. BUT before I get into that, let me speak first of all to your biggest frustration…

Your Biggest Frustration

Fellow Entrepreneur,  I get it. You're frustrated and wondering why with ALL the information out there, you're still struggling. The reason most people struggle is that they listen to people without expertise, who have no idea what they are talking about or worse, are lying just to make sales.  I know reading the last sentence is like a punch in the gut, but it’s true.  Most “experts” are not sharing the exact steps you need to succeed but instead omitting vital information needed to piece together the online puzzle.  This happens because the industry itself has become so “niche” that most people are unwilling to show you exactly what a successful, online business looks like in order to sell more products. So when looking for a mentor it’s vital to do your research. Remember, you can only learn what your mentor knows… Be sure to align yourself with someone who knows the “ins and outs” of the online industry you are interested in and is willing to spend the time helping you.   Not only should they be willing to spend time with you but they also should know how to teach the information.

The Origins Of The Marketing Couple…

Before reading any further, let me introduce ourselves! Go ahead and take a few minutes to watch the following videos… By the end of it, you will know exactly what we're about, you'll know if you feel a connection to us and whether we're the people you want to align yourself with to help you learn how to navigate this brave new ONLINE world! As you watch our story, you'll see it wasn’t always easy for us; we had a long learning curve.  We spent 3 years and thousands and thousands of dollars, still not making headway.  Naturally, it was very discouraging but we saw others doing it and knew it could be done. So despite the seemingly huge obstacles, we persisted.

About Us:

It took us several years and a lot of trial and error to learn effective marketing strategies and sales skills but we had the intestinal fortitude to make this dream a reality.   In fact, one of the books that got us on the road to wealth was the book, “Why Not Me?”  It was written by a couple of brothers who by the age of 24 had already created a multiple 6 figure income. It was their belief that “If someone else can do it, then why not me?”     This idea of “Why not me?” became the premise that we decided to live our life by.  It was then that we decided to recommit – try a different profit model and we went from making $386 a month, to over $17K in a month and clearing over $250K that same year.   For a couple of kids in their twenties – this was a huge breakthrough.  

Facts About Us!

Since we were still in university/college when we first discovered internet marketing, we have never held any type of traditional job, we have always worked for ourselves.    We have consistently earned in the high multiple 6 figure income bracket per year since 2005 and have done well over millions of dollars in sales.  Our first month selling a high profit margin product, because of our marketing expertise we generated $7000, the next month $18,000 and in the first 15 months we made over a quarter million dollars ($250K+) selling a digital, knowledge based product. At only 28 years old, both of us were asked to be leaders in our company's leadership council.  We were responsible for training other marketers company wide. We were the youngest people ever asked and the only couple. We ran over 10 company calls a week to several thousands distributors. We are multiple award winners and one of what was the “Gold” Top Sales Award for outstanding achievement (only 2 were given out in the entire company!) We won this same award again the year after for our outstanding sales record. We won again for outstanding achievement the following year.  We have also won the coveted “Outstanding Sales and Leadership” awards for our company and it's because of our hands on approach to helping our team succeed! We've been offered FREE frontline positions in multiple companies. We are often invited to be flown out to check out start up companies. This is because we have a reputation for bringing with us the large volume of distributors and customers a company needs to get started.​We have been called “Legends In The Making” by industry experts. We were featured in Direct Sales Expert Mike Dillards “Magnetic Sponsoring Heroes” product and have been asked to by him to participate on calls where he teaches his system for success.We have been asked by “Success University” to be contributors to their course curriculum and our products have been put into their course syllabus.  But some of our best work is inside our own training platform.

And More:

We were featured in the magazine “Home Business Connection” for our outstanding success in this industry (as seen below) We are recipients of the Peak Performer Award and Distributor of the Year award! In one of our companies, we had the most Team Members Awards of any team in their company We are Pay Per Click Experts and run multiple marketing campaigns for ourselves and other people. We are BING certified for Pay Per Click. Funnel creation experts. SEO (search engine optimization experts) Creators of the popular MLMZing.com, MLM Blueprints Team Zeus, an Award-Winning Network Marketing Training Center. Creators of multiple top products in the internet marketing industry.

Masters of Building Business Online:

We have developed the ability to build businesses that were traditionally built offline – online!  Yes, it can be done!​In every single company we have worked with, we have brought over 200+ PERSONAL enrolees PER YEAR into the company and we teach our students the marketing tactics we've used to accomplish this.

This feat has made us the # 1 enrollers/recruiters in various companies and the #4 all time enrolled in a company with over 180K+ reps. We accomplished this in less than 1 year (see below)

Our biggest month ever in this industry has been over $140K in a 7 day launch with our own product. ​We just had another $100K= launch in the last few months. We paid out over $32K in commissions after that first month and its growing. Another huge feat was clearing over $79K in our primary business in one month! We have consistently been in the top 3% of the industry for over a decade and we have no plans of ever slowing down. Andrew was named one of the top 25 internet marketers in the world as determined by his peers and colleagues in the industry!

Hanging with Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels

I've been a student of Russell Brunson for years.  Very sharp guy.I've also recruited Russell into my downline.What I love about Russell is his passion for helping entrepreneurs and his knack for taking complex subjects and breaking them down in a way  that makes them easy to grasp.  (Kinda like me!)I highly recommend getting his book.  You can get it FREE here. ​​We are also top internet marketing affiliates for several internet marketing companies.  We have made as much as $15K in 1 week during a launch and have been some of the best performers for internet marketers like JP Shoeffel, Jonathan Budd and Mike Dillard.  Below is a picture of Andrew with Jonathan Budd, Matt Lloyd (left) and being on stage as a top affiliate for JB's product launch (right)

Our Own 3-Day Bootcamps:

​We have held our own, hands on, 3 day marketing bootcamps (see below)People who have attended paid over $10K each to come and learn from us. We have been invited over and over again to speak at company marketing events where we have taught advanced techniques such as the sales funnel formula, internet marketing and pay per click, search engine optimization, website creation, branding , copywriting and more…

Below are photos of Andrew speaking at one of the premiere events in our industry  The “No Excuses” He was a featured speaker twice.  Below he is training marketers and entrepreneurs all over the world on advance marketing strategies.

​Our Life Now…

And looking at our life now our hard work has paid off (check out some of our fun pics!)

In the process we’ve been able to help many people achieve their own dreams by cutting down their learning curve to just a couple of months in most cases using our Mastery Method.  In fact, in an industry plagued by “sell-and-run” types, we’ve developed the exact opposite reputation – we stick it out with you.We're here to HELP!  It all comes down to trust earned over time. We have since parlayed that into a successful real estate business offline as well as continuing to do multiple 6 figures each and every single year. This has gone on for over a decade. We have travelled the world and enjoyed the freedom that comes with the internet lifestyle – time and location freedom. We eventually moved from Toronto to picturesque Nova Scotia because we can work and live from anywhere in the world (see the gorgeous picture below of Jack, our son and his friends on his birthday.  This is the amazing view from our home on the Bay of Fundy!) In fact, with our longevity, we have become part of the 7 figure income club and part of the 3% elite (the 3% that actually make it online.) Our longevity has proved that we are not a flash in the pan – we are here to stay – we adapt and have the knowledge to sustain us in an ever changing industry.  This in itself is amazing.

The Biggest Benefit – Our Family Life

When we started, Andrew and I were young, married with no kids.   We travelled the world and had all the time to really soak in these amazing experiences.  At the time, being successful and having all the money we desired was about us and what we could do.​Below is a picture of Andrew sitting on very seldom travelled Cima Road in the Mojave Desert during one of our trips and Andrew and Jack at a Napa Valley Winery. Since having children (2 beautiful boys), the benefit of creating a successful online business has given us the opportunity to be present in our children's lives in a way that most people can't be. Life is short. It should be spent with the people you love. We've created a life most people dream of because our business has allowed us the chance to make money without being tied  down by time, and location.

The 200 year Old Japanese SEcret…

Ok, back to the 200 year old Japanese word that determined our future… Are you familiar with the word, kaizen? Kaizen is a Japanese word. It contains the two Japanese characters “kai” which means “change” and “zen” which means “good.” Therefore, a kaizen culture describes a philosophy where everyone is involved and focused on the process of continuous improvement of quality, productivity and customer satisfaction. To achieve these goals, you need to follow a concept of small steps that will lead to large improvements, instead of quickly implemented changes. This is the basis of our Mastery Method and the first 10-20 hours. Kaizen is a slow but continuous process, not only a way of work, but more like a way of thinking. It is this constant innovation That describes our philosophy pretty well.

Let's Talk Numbers…

Have you read the book, “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell? It works on the premise that in order to get master something you need to have spent over 10,000 hours working at it. We certainly have done our 10,000 hours with internet marketing which I believe is why we've been so successful BUT do you know that it only takes about 10-20 hours of consistent and quality time for you to get really, really good at something? What if you could get really, really good at internet marketing in 10 hours away from your breakthrough…? Would you be interested? Using our Mastery Method, we have it broken down step-by-step what your first 10-20 hours should be spent learning. You can watch the training here… This produces real results and we've helped thousands of entrepreneurs create profitable businesses, websites and funnels.

Want To Work With Us? – Fill out this Application!  

​If you want to become a seven-figure income earner, I can show you what we did to get this results. Let us teach how to do it for real. There truly is a big difference between making a lot of money in this industry and also being able to translate that information that made us successful and TEACH OTHERS how to do it. We're leaders in that small sliver of the pie that is extraordinary at both. You see, we have developed a reputation as top trainers and marketers… But the bottom line is that you need to trust who you work with and who you decide will aid you in navigating marketing online. No matter what you do, if you're really serious about earning money now AND earning a passive residual income stream… You need to talk to us before you get started in ANY company. Call us at: 813-343-4115. We're standing by. By the way, did we mention we're really fun to work with? Cheers, Andrew & Marie Fill out the application now! Cheers!!!! [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
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