How To Create A Full-Time Income
Blogging From Home
(Or Anywhere In The World)
Even If You’re Starting From Scratch,
With Zero Experience...
Discover how YOU can build a successful blogging biz, and we'll hold your hand while you do it!
Now is the time to become more self-reliant and build an full-time income from home.
Keep reading for ALL the details...????
Course currently open for new enrollments
Hi Marie, wow! This is absolutely great. I can't thank you enough. I'm so excited Marie, I feel like I could just take one big bounce to Canada to give both of you a big hug and kiss.
Connie Braun
By this time next month, your dream of creating a profitable blog can be a reality.
We have helped thousands of people create a successful online business, keep reading to see how our unique approach can help you launch your blogging business! ????
Hi Guys,
It's Andrew Murray and Marie Torres, thanks for hitting this page :)
I know that some of you reading this page don't know us, but by the end of reading this, I think you'll see how dedicated we are to our students and helping them succeed!
It's an understatement to say, that we are excited to share this page (because we know that what we're sharing here, will change the life trajectory for some of you!)
So be sure to read that sentence again in it's entirety - it's that important!
When Marie and I first started online 19 years ago, we were a couple of kids, with no sales experience, no circle of influence and certainly zero experience with entrepreneurialism or building a business of any sort.
Neither of us had even thought of having a Lemonade stand or even trading baseball or Pokemon cards, seriously. We were shy, introverted, hated talking in public and had virtually no entrepreneurial bone in our body.
In fact, when we were first introduced to internet businesses, Marie was studying to be a lawyer and I was finishing up my degree in English and Russian Literature - a far cry from the wild, wild world of internet marketing!
So as I was reading some of the world's most beautiful written work (and, Yes, Tolstoy is fantastic!) we had no idea that in just a few short months, the course of our lives would change so drastically.
We had NO IDEA that Marie and I would do a complete 180-degree turn and start working to build online businesses from home.
Over the next few years we would go on to:
- * Build a spectacular 6-figure yearly income from home...
- * Have 6-figure launches in a 10 day period ($140K in 10 days!)...
- * Do 7-figures in digital sales...
- * Build our own online income-producing assets (blogs)...
- * Become masters at lead generation...
all via our blogging platforms online ????????????
But It Wasn’t Always This Way...
Now you may be thinking, “Gosh, guys, you had it all figured out,” but trust me, this didn’t come easy to us...
Let me assure you, it was anything but EASY and some days were harder and more discouraging than others.
In fact, our first 3 years building an internet business was one LONG, abysmal failure after another.
When We Started...
...We were a couple of kids with absolutely zero experience. It was painful.
We didn’t know what to do or how to make ANY money in the marketplace.
In fact, we were always spending money.
Maybe you were like us...
I don't know about you, but we spent money on:
Sadly, I still remember the sick feeling in the pit of our stomach when we took $700 USD - our rent money (plus we’re Canadian and at that time boy was the exchange crazy so that was a little over a Grand) and spending it on a single online Solo Ad that we were virtually promised was going to make us thousands and thousand of dollars.
It was going out to 10,000 people, so we had to at least make several thousand dollars, right?
Can you guess what happened?
The day the ad ran we checked the stats constantly, but our worst nightmare came true: the ad went live but there were only a handful of clicks. A handful. It was an unmitigated disaster.
The sales DID NOT COME ROLLING IN; we were DEVASTATED and out $700 bucks.
Exactly ZERO dollars in sales. Wah Wah Wah.
Maybe you've had a similar experience where a guaranteed profit turned into a cold, hard scam.
So What Happened?
Making sales ????
Well, we did what we HAD to do. We picked ourselves up.
We still had the belief that if other people were making money online, why couldn’t we?
(Maybe it had something to do with reading this book at the time.)
And thankfully, we weren’t ones to give up easily, so we kept PERSISTING…
So we kept trying things, learning new things and then putting together the online puzzle ourselves.
We spent an inordinate amount of time seeing what successful people were doing and then modelling their exact actions.
And we kept consistently marketing, creating and taking action.
And our reward?
When we finally put all the right pieces together the combination was explosive.
What Have We Learned In
19 Years of Working From Home?
So with all that experience over the last 19 years, many of our loyal readers and students ask us, “What is the most rewarding business to build?”
The answer is simple.
After 19 years in the industry, we can say without a doubt, the most rewarding business or activity has always been creating our own assets by building different niche blogs.
What do I mean by assets?
The definition of an "asset" is:
“A useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.”
“Property owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies.”
The importance of building income-producing assets cannot be understated.
Once we got things “RIGHT” the blogs we’ve built have been income producing assets - which means they produce income passively - every day.
The other reason is that they make money in perpetuity. Meaning: they go on making money, unlike a lot of these "hot" businesses that last less than a couple of years.
And here's another benefit: there's no drama. You can build it quietly, in your spare time, and on your terms.
No bosses. No offices. And you keep all the profits.
Our Road Trip Down The US East Coast
Our blogs allow us to choose what niche we want to explore, talk about (our passions), and let’s us choose how we actually make money (choosing from the various streams of income).
We ultimately answer to ourselves only, have our own schedules, write content when we want, work from wherever we want and produce a full-time income.
In fact, we also have some assistants who write and create content for us! It's the dream business.
It's pretty amazing.
I mean, take this, for example…
This Fall we went road-tripping down the East Coast of the US
Our son was training with retired USMT and MLS all star soccer player Eddie Johnson so we took a trip.
We took an entire month road tripping, hanging out with our kids who are both homeschooled, and explored some of the most amazing historic cities.
Blogging, and no other business allows us that freedom.
- * Nowhere to be...
- * No calls to make...
- * No presentations to give...
- * We blog when we want...
Yeah, it's really the ideal scenario!
Check out some of our pictures below!
International Spy Museum, Washington, DC. We highly recommend it! Such a wonderful and educational experience, so well done!
The famous Forsyth Park in Savannah, Georgia. It was a highlight of our trip. We took some beautiful pictures!
Drayton Hall Plantation in South Carolina. It is the oldest preserved plantation in America. Nothing has been changed since it was given to the historic preservation society.
If that isn’t doing what you love in any given week on a whim, then I don’t know what is ????!
For us, now that we are raising a family, there is no better situation than building a blog for sustainable, consistent income.
And for people without kids, or those who have already left the nest, you still have overall dominion of what your days are like, day in and day out.
There is a power and freedom in being 100% in charge of your life.
And the charge we still get when one of our electronic devices dings or blings with a new sale notification.
Awesomesauce! ????
Love getting swag from my affiliate promotions...
Cool Swag!
But I Have A Confession...
Blogging has always been the business we enjoy the most, and the one that has given us the most freedom.
Not only that, but it’s been the most consistent.
This may be surprising for people to learn because we have been so successful in the home business and direct sales industries:
- * Yes, we were dubbed “Legends in the Making...”
- * Yes, we were the #4 enrollers in a company of 187K reps...we did it all in 8 months via lead generation online
- * In several different companies, we sponsored close to 200+ people per year earning us multiple awards
- * We were the youngest (and only couple) ever awarded the Outstanding Sales Award for 2 years straight and taught on the leadership councils
- * Made $140K in 7 day launch
- a number of other awards and accolades (see some stats and income reports below)
But here's the truth...
Companies come and go, but a good blog...that produces income over the long haul is priceless.
...And this should truly get you excited.
When you have consistent, regular income coming in from blogs - you kinda learn that life is pretty awesome because having that money and freedom allows you enjoy the things you love.
Blogging Income
When we started blogging so many years ago in addition to our home business income, we were making a full-time income in the niches we built our blogs in.
We were making several thousand dollars per month promoting tools and resources in our marketing niche, the franchising niche (our own created product) and we were also making several thousand dollars each month through affiliate marketing in the business tools, wellness (yoga and pilates), and online dating niches! (I guess it was a little weird for a couple of happily married folks to be in the online dating niche, but we were solving problems for other people and created reports and information products for helping find the perfect partner.).
So when we had a regular deposit of $3000-$5000 coming in from our little dating site, it really opened up our eyes.
During the time that our income really took off from all sources; we made $7K our first month in January, $18K the next month and we went on to make $250K in one year.
For a couple of kids, bringing in a quarter of a million dollars in sales was unbelievable and a little surreal!
Up until that point, our largest monthly income from our business endeavours had been $386!
In fact, one week through another promotion because of one of our “Money Education” niche blog were we taught people about the value of money and various alternatives to traditional investments, we made $15K in one week (see below)! That's larger than our home business income, and was done all via blogging through a couple of strategically placed blog posts.
Total time: Maybe 7-8 hours total.
Blogging is amazing.
In a nutshell, it has been building our various blogs in different niches that have allowed us to truly create the life we wanted because they provided us with the most hands off, automated way to create income.
We Want To Help You
Over the last few weeks, since we released our very important report on “How To Make Money Blogging in 2020” we have had so many questions sent our way, and we’ve realized that so many of you are serious about wanting to really create something online!
Interestingly enough, the main sentiment is that you want a business online that reflects your thoughts, desires and dreams and would love to blog BUT...
But some of you also told us you'd be a little afraid to go it alone...
We get it!
Like I said, I know how hard it is to get something going when you don’t have the right advice and direction.
Many mistakes are made, a lot of money wasted and a lot of frustration because you lack the knowledge needed. Even after all of that, success isn’t always a guarantee.
The Big Question...
We thought to ourselves...
How can we best help all our loyal readers and subscribers who want to build a full-time blogging business? How can we stack the deck in their favour?
We looked back on our own journey and realized that when we started, a lot our mistakes could have been avoided had we had some personal, one-on-one attention.
Yes, that’s right, a partnership, a little hand holding ????
Having an idea for a blog and getting it to the point where it's making the maximum amount of income is not something you can simply guess at.
We want to take you by the hand and guide you on the quickest way to make your blog profitable.
Like I said, we’ve realized that after being involved in all different types of businesses and having created massive success in each of these industries, that blogging has really fulfilled us personally and professionally.
So if this is what you want, we are so excited to introduce you to:
The Advanced Blogging Course
32 Full Lessons + 1 o n 1 Consultation
The Advanced Blogster course is designed with YOU in mind.
Not only will you get this amazing course but you will also get a full one on one consultation with us!
This consultation is vital to your journey and will help steer you in the right direction. This in and of itself is invaluable for helping you avoid costly pitfalls.
Obviously, the power of this personal attention cannot be overstated.
At the end of the course using our step-by-step instruction, our personal consultation with you and built in support system, you will have built your very own income producing blog.
I know how intimidating creating your own niche blog might be.
Some of you might be:
* Technically challenged...
* Afraid of writing...
* Or think the idea of going at it alone seems really daunting...
So that’s why we are literally putting ourselves at your disposal by offering this consultation and giving you all the information we've amassed to make th eprocess of starting a blog, incredibly easy and painless.
This is NOT for Everyone...
Ok, I’ll say it right off the bat...
When you get started with the program, going through the course is intense.
It will give you everything you need to get your blog up and running.
Look anyone can tell you you just need a few things to get going but are they giving you the "must know" details to get you producing income?
By taking the course, meeting with us for your consultation, and having access to a complete support system as you go through the course, you will build a money-producing asset for you (and your family)
By the time you're done, you won't believe what you will have accomplished.
We literally will have taken years off your learning curve and helped you make significantly more money than you would have made slogging it alone in the dark by yourself, with nobody to guide you.
You will be creating income while we work together, refining your blog, finding the best programs to make money with in your niche, walking you through all the ins and outs of powerful blog posts, setting up email automation, copywriting, and traffic sources and showing you how to do the necessary research to compete and eventually dominate in your niche.
By the way, we help you pick the niche - and it's true that you can succeed in nearly ANY niche! will avoid all the traditional pitfalls that most bloggers run into.
That said, all of the above CAN ONLY be done with people who are serious about the process.
That's right, you will have an income producing asset that will be off the ground and producing results ????????????! I can assure you that you will be so amazed and astounded at what you’ll be able to accomplish.
Getting this personal attention means limited spaces so be sure to take advantage of the course now and we'll make it even better for you (keep reading!)
Special offer! 65% discount !
Getting Started:
- 1. Once you sign up for the Blogster Advanced Course, you'll get an email upon signup that will give you directions on how to get started.
- Part of that email will require you to book your consultation appointment in our calendar. You will pick a day and time that suits you and there will be many options to choose from. (We are totally flexible!)
- 2. You will get a welcome package and in that email that will contain all the worksheets that will prepare you for our consultation.
- 3. You will get instructions on how to access your course, help desk and contact information. We are all in with you on this.
The Goal - Your Results
As you go through every module, you will be learning the ropes and what it takes to grow a thriving, blogging business.
The goal with the the Advanced Blogster Course is to get your own personal income producing blog off the ground by working through tasks, setting up the correct foundation as we teach and guide you to create the right, optimized content and to pick the right programs to monetize your blog niche.
Within the time it takes you to go through the course, if not sooner, you'll be well on your way to creating this amazing new blog that will continue to produce income.
The best part is you will have streamlined this process, not have wasted time on trying things that don't work but will already be set up with effective tactics that are used successfully my bloggers all over the world.
Bloggers often make more in one month, than they did in a year of their current job, it's pretty amazing to say the least!
Here are some of the HIGHLIGHTS of "The 6 Week Blogging Intensive..."
Private Consultation ????
Yes, for real ????!
We will be masterminding with you, to help you get the most out of this course.
This alone is worth the course itself.
Imagine our experience weighing in on your plan, just sitting down with us will cut your learning curve in half.
Step-By-Step Blueprints - A Full Blog Plan to Create Blogging Income that will Make You Self-Reliant
These blueprints, along with the course itself is invaluable for putting you on the right path to creating a sizeable blog income for yourself and your family.
There is no guessing involved and you will cut the learning curve in half.
By taking the course, you will avoid many of the pitfalls and mistakes that other people make during their "trial and error" process!
Specific, Actionable Information That Produces Results! ????????????
You will have homework to do (yes, it’s work but seriously so rewarding) that include worksheets and actionable steps to complete each week.
Think worksheets, cheatsheets, checklists and more to make sure you don't forget anything as you go through your tasks.
As you do this, an entire world will open up to you and you will finally understand how all of these things work together to make a successful and long-term business.
Full Support + Amazing Bonuses! ????
In addition to your private coaching call, you will get unlimited support.
We also have what's Facebook "office hours". Come into our designated Facebook classroom and answer questions and get real time answers - this is just another way we are giving back to our students.
You'll also get a lifetime access to our library of videos in our membership area. This library will help you step-by-step to work through the various tasks.
Here’s what people are saying...
"I'm still pinching myself..."
Absolutely beautiful! I like everything about it, I am still pinching my self. My blog is truly a work of art. You two are the greatest.
Wanda Stevens
"I have never been this excited about anything since my son was born..."
I must tell you how impressed and overwhelmed I have felt since joining you. The information and support provided by you have created have made me feel that there is no way to fail at this. Never before have I felt comfortable going into such a new venture, or should I say ad-venture. I have looked into a lot of other courses in this field, and your ease of delivery is far, far advanced.
I have never been this excited about anything since my son was born. You are a true leader and I feel it is a privilege to work with and learn from you.
Keven Corbridge
"I am so happy..."
Thank you for this..I love the program.
My studies continue and my success is over the top....I am so happy!!!!
Marilyn Ritter
Here's What We Cover in the
Advanced Blogster Course
I took a picture of the audience (from the stage) at one of my speaking engagements (love this vantage point ❤️)
Blogster will show you how to start a blog from scratch the way I started mine. The course is made for beginners, including those who are brand new to the idea of blogging.
So get ready to learn how to start a money making blog from nothing!
Module 1: Getting Started
In this module we get the basics out of the way.
Basics include: Getting your domain name, getting your hosting, installing wordpress and the initial setup, including choosing your theme.
We also get together for our brainstorming consultation.
During this consultation call, we'll go through what you'd like to create. We will talk about the niche you've chosen (or not chosen yet) , areas of monetization and our overall thoughts on what you'd like to create based on what we've learned over our years blogging.
There are worksheets that need to be done prior to our meeting so that we can use our time wisely and get down to the things that really matter which is creating an income producing asset.
We delve into your ideal avatar, what your target demographic looks like so much more...
By the end of this module, you will know what niche you'll be diving into and this will lay the groundwork for Module 2.
Module 2 - Building Your Blog
Module 2 is possibly my favourite.
This is where we build your about page, pages, widgets, plugins, analytics and the "look" of your blog.
There is a lot to go through.
We are also going to go through the importance of crafting the right message, creating a winning brand and how to create your "About" story which is arguably one of the most important pages on your blog (plus the must have legal pages on your site.)
Module 3 - Writing Content, Posts and Pages
This is the week where we discover how to build relationships through your message and we'll be concentrating on the content of your blog.
We'll cover what every post should have, how to write webcopy that sells and all the other details that are most often overlooked by both beginner and seasoned bloggers.
You'll learn about the DIFFERENT TYPES OF POSTS all blogs should have and how you should rotate through them, and which ones work best (including the 4 most important posts and how they need to be interlinking to create authority (important for Google)
Plus, you'll learn how to get your blog posts done without typing a single word if you don't want to.
Module 4 - Research, Research, Research!
This module will get into some serious ninja styles where we work in stealth, doing the research needed to build a wildly successful blog that will blow away the competition.
This module focuses on the research (keywords/hashtags) you need to write well-optimized posts and pages for your blog.
This week we will also be showing you how to use free tools to spy on your competition.
By doing this legwork, you take the guess work out of what you should be blogging about.
You can then start producing the content for your blog with the right topics, you'll know what keywords are best, what you can rank for in the various search engines and what your competition is doing!
We will also be covering email automation and your autoresponder, opt-ins and free offers.
Module 5 - Monetizing Your Blog
This module is CRITICAL.
We will cover the various ways to make money with your blog and you will decide on what products and services you'll want to offer.
With various ways to monetize, we'll show you the steps you need to take to promote to your readers and help you create a thriving blog business!
Follow our proprietary blueprint for finding the right monetization strategies - there's a lot to consider and we'll go over all the nuances in this very important module.
Module 6 - Promoting Your Blog and Getting Traffic
This module is a big one.
This is about promotion and getting traffic to your site.
Some of the traffic will come organically from Google, and some of it will come form other sites - this is where we show you how to get traffic - even if your site isn't ranked well by Google.
Hint: You don't need Google to make a profitable blog!
And you will be able to get traffic from the very first week!
We can't to teach you how to use this! It will make a world of difference!
Now, just to make this deal even better that it already is, we wanted to give you the following 6 bonuses for getting started with us today!
Saying that these guides will help you take your business to the next level, is an understatement!
The information contained in these guides are worth their weight in gold and have proven to be invaluable tips!
Pinterest Perfect -
Value $97
When you get started with the Blogster program, you'll get the 34+ page guide "Pinterest Perfect"
It's chock full of information on how to use Pinterest to get explosive amounts of traffic (all for free)
This bonus is full of downloadable worksheets, cheat sheets and more...
Discover a secret pool your ideal target audience when you start using our Pinterest Perfect" guide! ????
The Netflix Binge Secret
Andrew has a theory about email automation.
He has used this system to make us hundred of thousands of dollars.
We are going to share it with you.
A huge part of your blogging income has to do with your email automation and your email marketing campaigns.
We're going to give you this launch sequence and conversion system that turns even the coldest readers to the most loyal subscribers.????
YouTube Domination -
Value $197
Are you using YouTube?
If not, you're missing out on the #2 search engine in the world!
In this guide will show you how to use YouTube for any niche, how to SEO optimize your videos and how to run ads (if you want)
Learn how to do things the right way.
Avoid making costly mistakes that leave you in the google sandbox???
Of course, downloadable worksheets, cheatsheets and checklists are all part of this amazing bonus - plus we'll talk about it all during our coaching calls in order to get YouTube working for you! ????
12 Month Blogging and Marketing Calendar
This 12 month blogging calendar will be crucial to your growth.
Our business coach Rich Schefren, told us many, many years ago that you needed to plan with the "end in mind" and that applies to your blogging business.
You need to know what is coming in order to plan for it, and our 12 month calendar will keep you on your toes and ahead of the rest!
It's easy to make money with your blog when you know what is coming...This is invaluable!
Outsourcing Genius -
Value $97
Are you all about delegation?
So are we!
Do you know that much of what we build with our blogging intensive can be outsourced once we've set up the business system.
From writing and creating posts, to research to getting traffic, it can all be outsourced.
Does this sound appealing?
"Outsourcing Genius" is one highly valuable guide that will show you how you can outsource the tasks you enjoy the least, or are your weak points - this way you can concentrate on the things you love the most.
This bonus contains the information you need to find the right networks that highlight great outsourcers but also help you know the RIGHT criteria for finding those invaluable people to get on your "bus!"
You'll get it when you sign up with the blogging intensive! ????
Instagram Magic -
Value $97
Social Media is everywhere, but do you know how to use it properly?
Do you love Instagram but are confused about how to use if for business?
No fear, this amazing guide will show you how.
Learn how to find the perfect hashtags, grow your Instagram followers, and get them coming back for more.
Instagram is an integral part of your blogging business and this will show you how to use it so you can inject some magic into your business! This is one stellar bonus!
About Andrew Murray & Marie Torres
Andrew and Marie have created an impressive online empire since building
their first online business in 2001.
19 years later, they have spoken on stage and trained thousand of students,
many of which have gone on to become 5 and 6 figure earners in their own
But, hey, we're really just a really down to earth, fun-loving couple who love
to help people.
Come work with us!
Together, we'll build something you can be proud of!
Here’s What People Are Saying About Us!
"He is kind, and caring and will spare no effort..."
I have worked with Andrew Murray for a long time and have found him to be an excellent mentor. He is kind, and caring and will spare no effort on behalf of the people he serves. He will walk that extra mile to help someone.
Dr. Peter Cohen
"Hi Marie, First I want to give you a thousand thank you's..."
Hi Marie
First I want to give you a thousand thank you's for being so committed to helping your students achieve success, both you and Andrew, You probably know there is a lot of hype on the internet these days. Successful marketers saying they’ll teach other to do the same. They say they’ll teach you but it will cost you thousands of dollars. And then they still leave out a lot of missing pieces on purpose to cost thousands more to put it all together. Your is one of the few, if not the only program out there that gives everything complete.
Wayne Green
"They have helped me with all of my concerns..."
I'm a newbie and have found Andrew and Marie to be very supportive and accommodating. They have help me with all my concerns. Hope they will continue to help people like me.
Radito Dizon, MD
In Summary,
Here's Why You Want To Get Started...
Awesome sign at "The Goat" cafe from our trip to Toronto.
We believe that everyone can make an income online.
(Honestly, I think that everyone SHOULD be. In fact, we recently got our 11-year old son to start on this exact same process we'll be working through with you.)
After 19 years in the industry, we realize that not everyone fits into one box, and in order to be successful, you need to find something that will work for you ❤
We are so excited about this "Blogster" because after years and years of success (in all sorts of business models) blogging has been the most rewarding and now we are going to help you, literally hold your hand while you grow your own blogging business.
By working together, we are going to help you avoid all the costly mistakes, save you from frustration trying things that don't work.
We are going to give you the things and tools you need to be
successful as you build your blog.
I guarantee that alternate solutions, like going it alone, will be more costly
in the long run and certainly a lot more isolating.
We want to stack the deck in your favour and give you the opportunity
to work together to get your blog right the first time.
Imagine how much time and money you'll save.
Even better...
Imagine how much money you can be making blogging from home! ????
Look, we want to cut your learning curve in half and working together, in a few short weeks you'll have put together an income-producing asset that can start generating the income you want and be the catalyst for the life you deserve.
The best thing about blogging is that it allows you to live a life of ultimate freedom.
We call it ultimate freedom because owning a successful blogging business make you, you're on BOSS.
You control when you work, where you work, how much you make.
It's ultimately what you want, a planning your work around the life you design is the ultimate in true freedom.
- 1Blogging about your passions (there is no limit to how many blogs you can run, though we suggest only tackling a couple of topics/choice ones (you'll see why once we start working together)
- 2Location freedom: You can blog from anywhere in the world, at any time.
- 3Time freedom: Blog when it's convenient for you. First thing in the morning, after dinner when all your days activities are decide.
- 4You're your own boss. Decide what, where and when you blog.
- 5Decide how to create your income. You decide on your monetization channels. The skies the limit on your income. But I know you'll love seeing regular blogging income every month!
So how much is setting up the "Ultimate Freedom" worth to you?
This whole experience starts with us holding your hand,
as you figure out your plan.
Then, with our support,
you will go through this incredibly detailed course,
with full video tutorials for getting everything right the first time.
When we first thought about pricing, we thought $997 made sense.
It's obviously a lot of work and planning on our part.
But more importantly, because it is much more labour intensive than simply selling a digital course, as we will be consulting with you and offering
full support for our students.
We feel that $997 is a completely fair price...
That said, we also know that a $997 price point is A LOT.
And that's what we didn't want to do, alienate the people who might need this the most, but not be able to do the price point.
Look, we remember being hard strapped for cash, wanting to start something so badly that would help us but not having the means to do it.
So we went back to the drawing board and thought, at what price can we deliver this product, help as many people as we can, but still feel like we are being true to ourselves and the real value we feel like we're bringing to those who are willing to work and make this happen?
So went with $667.
And then changed our minds because we thought about some of our most recent students (one of which was a single mother)
so we scraped the
and so we decided on
but then thought...
Is this the best we can do...
To make sure it's accessible to anyone who truly wants to get started?
So after sleeping on it for a few days...
and dropped the price significantly in order to make this as affordable as possible.
We came up with the THIS and we feel like this is the best of both worlds...
full payment
One-Time Payment
2 payments
2 Monthly Payments
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30 Days
We are going to make this easy for you.
I know that starting a new endeavour is a BIG deal, so we're offering you a 30 day money back guarantee, despite the fact that we'll be working together week after week.
Decide this isn't for you, and we'll refund you.
We want you to feel comfortable with your decision.
Don' t Wait...
Here Are More Fans of Our Work ????
" I am so pumped! Thank you so much!"
Dear: Marie & Andrew
I cannot thank you enough for all your assistance with building my very own personal site. It is truly a piece of art. Training with you has been invaluable. You cover every possible topic relating to the business. You graciously made your sales and marketing information available to me.
Usually, this would only be available to industry professionals.
I am so grateful I found you. You and Marie have taken all the time necessary to answer all my questions in detail and strategize the best way for me to work my new business endeavour. I am so pumped! Thank you so much!
Yours Truly,
Jen O'Brien
"Thank you so much for your support and mentorship."
Hi Marie: You and Andrew are awesome. I only wish that I discovered you earlier, but it's better late than never. Your eagerness to help others, will help shorten the time that it'll take me to earn a very good living on the Internet.
Thank you so much for your support and mentorship.
Lyn Wong
"The fact that you and Marie have taken your own time to do this..."
Hi Andrew and Marie! Just wanted to send a note to say THANK YOU so much for putting this together.
Hi Andrew and Marie, Just wanted to let you know that I think that what you've created is really great. Well done!
It gives a clear picture of every aspect of the blogging business. Not only that, but you give us all the tools that one needs to succeed in this business along with some simple guidelines that make it easy for anyone to follow.
Furthermore, the fact that you and Marie have taken your own time to do this shows your absolute commitment to the growth and success of all those who wok with you.
I look forward to this exciting journey with you both.
Take care and Godbless.
Viv Ganjoor
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Is The Course?
How Many Spots Do You Have Available?
Will I be able to do this, even if I have no experience?
Do you offer refunds?
Who is this course for?
I'm not a good writer, can I still do this?
full payment
One-Time Payment
6 week
Blogging Intensive
3 Payments
3 Bi-Weekly Payments
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
Are You Ready To Get Started!?
Choose the option that makes the most sense for you.
Option 1 - The full payment of $297
Option 2 - 2 Monthly Payments of $185.
Either way, we can't wait to get started on this journey with you!
As soon as you do that, be on the lookout for an email from us giving you the next steps in the process. It will show you the calendar for the first one-on-one session with us. Pick the time and off we go!
We know that blogging has made a huge difference on our lives and it will for you, too. We can't wait to work with you to start and develop your blog so that it becomes an income producing asset for you that you can rely on for consistent for years to come ????