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Real Testimonials
A real mentor is ONLY as good as the people he's helped.
Check out some of the unedited comments we've had from the dedication we put back into the people who helped get us where we are today.
Thank you!
I'm going through the various materials.This is top-notch stuff.I am very
impressed with you and your sites. A lot of this stuff is not foreign to me
but I like the comprehensive coverage delivered in simple,concise style for
the average newbie.Awesome!!
Have a superb weekend,
Mike Lapenna
(6-Figure Income Earner)
Hi Andrew,
I wanted to get back to you regarding the Team Zeus Training site…Wow! Lots of great stuff. I have been devouring everything on your site. Your outline everything step by step, to get new distributors started. It really makes the whole set up process much easier.
I have been with your organization for two weeks now and am even more excited about the opportunity I have with [this business]! What a great team and the products are amazing. Thus far I have personally listened to the “Anatomy of Success” and it is so inspiring and motivating. I can't wait to delve into the others. [this business] has truly created a wonderful, educational product.
The tools and bonuses you have provided on your training site are worth a mint! I have used many of them and I know I will have success for years to come because of those tools. The bonus e-books are great to have on hand. They make the learning process so much easier. I love the “Malcom Peters” audio!!! Wow – it that doesn't motivate you to get off your duff and work this business you must be dead. I wish I could meet him in person just to let him know that he definitely inspires me each day as I listen to it over and over.
I would like to thank you and Marie for the support you have given me these last two weeks. As I said in my initial conversation with you, prior to joining your team, I was looking for a leader who could provide support, and direct me on the things I needed to do to make my business a success. You and Marie have certainly done that! I definitely made the right choice when I joined [The Business] and Team Zeus!
Thank you for the opportunity!
Have a great day!!
Gloria Jones
Hi Andrew,
I must tell you how impressed and overwhelmed I have felt since joining [you and your business]. The information and support provided by you and the websites you have created have made me feel that there is no way to fail at this business. Never before have I felt comfortable going into such a new venture, or should I say ad-venture. I have looked into a lot of other organizations in this field, and your ease of delivery is far, far advanced.
I have never been this excited about anything since my son was born. You are a true leader and I feel it is a privilege to work and learn from you.
Thank you, Keven Corbridge
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the awesome video “how to” presentation you sent via email. It was the MOST helpful information of anything I’ve seen and I’m on my way to go purchase a web cam. I really enjoy talking with folks in China and Germany but when it comes time for them to make conference calls, the time difference is just not good. So, I am going to put the marketing plan presentation on video and send to them via email. I’m SO EXCITED about this I could scream!!!!!!
Talk to you soon,
Tracy Madden-Brooks
I am simply awestrucken with Andwer and Marie's leadership abilities, the web knowledge they have, and the training sites they've designed and created to help and support their team excell in a very short while. I count it a privilage to have chosen Andrew as my sponsor.
What attracted me to [working with you] is the simplicity of the business. I have never seen anything like it.
For anyone who has ever had a difficult time getting their home based business off the ground, I encourage you to take a serious look at Emerald Passport. This company's [Primary Business] Marketing Plan does all the telling, selling and explaining, the educational products are second to none, and the Marketing Plan is designed for instant success, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Yours to Success
Dina Herman
Benjamin Nguyen from Oklahoma:
Dear: Marie & Andrew
I cannot thank you enough for all your assistance with building my very own personal website. It is truly a piece of art. Training with team Zeus has been invaluable. You cover every possible topic relating to [our business]. You graciously made your sales and marketing information available to everyone on your team. Usually, this would only be available to industry professionals. I am so grateful I found you and the profit masters system. The [business] system is an amazing product. Not only am I able to learn how to properly manage and invest my finances but also I am learning how to generate extra income from the forex trading system! You and Marie have taken all the time necessary to answer all my questions in detail and strategize the best way for me to work my [primary] business. I am so pumped! Thank you so much!
Yours Truly,
Jennnifer O'Brien
[This Business] is the opportunity I've been looking for in a home based business. The 3 step automated system is so easy, anyone can do it. The compensastion plan of making a MINIMUM of $1,000. is tremendous. The knowledge and information in the Wealth and Self products alone is very valuable. People are saving thousands of dollars when they apply the knowledge in their everyday lives. I like the fact that I am not alone, but have a team of professionals to work with. My director, Andrew Murray has been exceptional in his training and support which has helped me to grow my business. [This Business] is an awesome opportunity and I am glad I found it!
Lana Stevens
Thunder Bay, ON
Hi Andrew,
Thank you so much for sending me the “Prospecting Tool Reports.” I know they , along with the customized copy will help me tremendously with my business.
I only started business May 8, 2004, and I have never done network marketing before. As a matter of fact I have been approached several times through the years by people who tried, VERY hard, to talk me into it. That's one reason I was still a little hesitant to go ahead and give it a try. I was expecting to run into people who felt as I did about marketing and I did. Some reluctant, some skeptical, and always those not interested…..and no one likes to be pushed into things.
Since I signed up though I have been pretty much on my own with not mentorship or support. My mentor had some family emergencies that came up shortly after I started. I was totally lost. Then I came found Cutting Edge Media while looking for leads and they led me to you. You have been a life line for me as far as my business. You have given me the hope that I've needed that I CAN make this work and I'm not ready to toss in the towel.
I have a binder that I keep all of the emails and tools that you have sent me and I will e using them daily. I look forward to getting more of your encouraging words. I have finally found a mentor whom I feel truly cares.
God Bless You,
Nancy Scott
After being on the road the last several years in the life and health insurance industry, I decided it was time to move on to something that would allow me to spend more time with my family but not sacrifice my income. I not only found [Primary Business] but, more importantly, I found Andrew Murray. [Primary Business] is the vehicle that opens up the opportunity for financial freedom. Andrew Murray is the leader who can take you there. Andrew and his wife Marie work together to lead their team to personal and financial success. They designed a training website, exclusively, for their team members. They provide their years of internet marketing experience along with all the tools necessary for your success with [Primary Business]. The training and on going support that I've received from Andrew and Marie have far exceeded my expectations. When searching for a new opportunity, [Primary Business] was the right choice for me. When searching for a director, with in [Primary Business], Andrew Murray was the obvious choice.
John M.
Hi Andrew and Marie,
This is Nina, just reaching out to say a great thank you! I was very overwhelmed on that first day until I received your 1st email that said,”Welcome Nina, Week One – Ten steps to getting started”. Wow! a step-by-step guide complete with how-to video clips and a helpdesk? That was like receiving a cool drink of water on a hot summer's day. And every email since have arrived with more tools, training websites, training e-books you can download, training telephone conferences, thank you for being interested in our success. What I have found in my years of working in corporate America is that one gets very familiar with his or her tasks but, no matter how long one works for a corporation one rarely get to see the whole picture. I have been with [Primary Business] a short few weeks and You have given me a comprehensive picture of not only the [Primary Business] Organization, but also the Profit Masters System and the [Primary Business] product. Hey I love you guys, and by the way “Team Zeus Rocks”.
Nina Brown
Houston, TX
Marie has a unique quality of being able to calm the apprehension and butterflies in me that come from trying to do something new. It's easy to feel anxious with change- such as learning internet marketing or changing an ad campaign- but having Marie as my trainer, coach and mentor just makes it so much easier. I know that I'll be successful just that much faster and it will work too!
I love working with Marie – but more, I love her heart and her desire to assist me and to develop me as a leader so that I may carry on with my team's development. Thank you Marie.
Bill Byron from the Mile High City of Denver
Hey Andrew,
It was so great meeting you at the Boot Camp, you did an absolute wonderful job. As I have said it to you already and I'm gonna say it again, You are a real inspiration for me.
I thoroughly enjoyed all your training, especially the closing the sale part. The landing pages was also good but you had explained it so quickly and overloaded us with information. Maybe, next time they can give you more time.
I just left you a voice mail this morning. I've done more research and really like what you are doing with your business – I especially like your wealth-ambition web site, very professional.
I'm looking forward to working with you. Please give me a call so I can begin with [Primary Business]. Thanks!
Kara Jankowski
“If you are looking for a business to create Financial and Personal freedom
for yourself, I can say with complete confidence that you would be hard-pressed to find a company or team anywhere that can provide you with the same level of support, training, leadership, and most importantly – marketing expertise – as I have found with Team Zeus. What more could you ask for?”
Sean Lathrop
Thank You Andrew! I am so glad to work with you, your
have a great understanding for us slow people. Thank
You again for your patience and I forward the message
to the email you sent and it was successful, waiting
to here from them and I will email you again.
Best Regards,
Marla Wilson, Temperance, MI
Hi Andrew. Thanks very much for “Why Not Me.” That was a powerful segment. You're an awesome trainer the more and more I tune in.
Kevin Knecht
6-Figure Earner
Hello Andrew & Marie, I actually came across a video that Jeremiah Jens posted on yahoo mail so I watched it and was intrigued to say the least. I’m currently outta work and broke ,not a budget at all right now to get started, but have some things in the works and would just like to connect w/ you two and see what’s possible for me at the moment. Hope to hear from you soon and also,,Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,Take Care, Douglas M. Cloyd
Hi Doug,
Let’s connect. I’ve never seen a better opportunity to make a full-time income than in this program. What’s your number?
(phone number removed)
call anytime/leave a msg and I can get back to you! Thanx Doug..
I did a google search for Bravenewworldbrokerage, and up came you site, with the wording “mike lapenna…scam”
I am thinking of doing business with this company, so i was concerned , but all you have is a positive comment from mike lapenna he a “scam”?
No, I’ve worked with Mike Lapenna and he’s a good businessman.
Those keywords in the sidebar are keywords that people find out site with. They are user searches that help our own internal SEO.
Give Mike a call and he’ll help you out.
Thanks for the kind comment. I trust you are doing well. Where are you and what are you working on thse days?
Hi Mike,
I moved away from Toronto to Nova Scotia. Love it. I am just enjoying doing internet marketing: Killing it in JV launches, creating information products, and still in the home business stuff with the Pizza Box business, which is really making a lot of easy sales.
I’ve been getting interested in investing also. Are you a member of the Wealth Vault?
It rocks.
Good for you!
No, I a not a member but will def look at it. Thank you and keep on rocking!
Have you looked at the other newer opp Rod Stinson has wrapped his system around…FIQ?
Yes, I’m a part of Family IQ also.
Rod may say he’s no public speaker, but the guy creates the best-converting webinars I’ve ever experienced. Are you still active in the Home Business universe?
I am doing research regarding brave new world Brokerage LLC. What do you know about Mr. Michael Lupena? Since i will be giving money upfront I want to make sure it is a legitimate business.
Thank you for your comments. They are appreciate it.
I worked with Mike Lapenna in a direct sales business.
I don’t have any experience investing with him. What kind of investments are you looking into? I have a solid background in investing. If you’d like your reply to be private, just use the Contact Form