
Attention Grabber Vs Maxblogpress Ad Stripe Vs HelloBar

Attention Grabber Vs Maxblogpress Ad Stripe Vs HelloBar

This 3-part video series explains how to add a cool, attention-grabbing alert bar to your blog.

This is a video review of the Attention Grabber WordPress plugin, the free MaxBlogPress Ad Stripe Plugin, and the Free HelloBar.

Part One: Attention Grabber

Get The Notification Bar Plugin

(Now called the “SiteCreate Really Useful Notification Bar for WordPress”)

Part Two: Ad Stripe WordPress Plugin:

Get the Maxblogpress Ad Stripe Plugin (Free)

Part Three: The Amazing HelloBar

I use the Hellobar on this blog (my main blog)

Get the HelloBar!

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6 thoughts on “Attention Grabber Vs Maxblogpress Ad Stripe Vs HelloBar”

  1. Thank you Andrew, for this, I have installed the Hello Bar on one of my site, I’m also subscribed to your emails, very good tips.

  2. Hi Sam. You are correct. It seems to have been removed from Code Canyon. However, it still works if you downloaded it at the time you purchased it.

    Unfortunately, Envato works like that. That being said, It did have a few updates after I purchased it, but the nature of the internet is that nothing is forever.

    Hellobar is free for 25 clicks per month, which should cover you until you can upgrade to the paid version.

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