
The Automated Webinar Generator Review

The Automated Webinar Generator Review

Automated Webinar GeneratorThe Automated Webinar Generator basically allows you to pre-record a webinar, make it look like it is a Live webinar and you can pre-schedule it in advance for that you are able to run your webinars hassle free and on auto pilot.

I was curious about why someone would need to use this automated webinar generator when they could do a Live broadcast instead but as I continued to read I began to understand.

Read more about Mike Filsaime's Automated Webinar Generator.

With live webinar, there are benefits, benefits such as higher sales conversions, especially when you are broadcasting your marketing message to a live and eager audience.

There are also downsides to doing live webinars. Some of those downsides are the fact that in order to do a live webinar you have to actually be there and that can be very time consuming especially if you are planning on multiple webinars in a day or week.

Sometimes you experience technical issues which can become problematic and time consuming as well and since these things can happen; it has the potential to ruin your webinar; besides the fact that maybe not everyone feels comfortable talking to 1,000 people at one time.

The Automated Webinar Generator Advantage

With the Automated Webinar Generator , a person who is not comfortable with the idea of speaking on front of 1,000 people at a time can use this system and find that they can be just as successful as someone who has years of experience in public speaking.

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One of the benefits of using this system is the ability to record a video and present it to you audience, and it will look at though it was a live webinar. You can pres-schedule them so that the video plays at the day and time that you choose, the benefit of this is you no longer have to be online in order for your webinar to be online.

The Automated Webinar Generator system also allows you to configure webinars so that you can play the same webinar over again to new prospects every week. I also learned that it provides a dynamic attendee list which makes your attendees feel like they are at a live and exciting event.

Automated Webinar Generator

I was curious how they would handle the chat questions that would come up and I found out that the chat messages get forwarded to your email, I thought this was interesting because I personally have my email connected to my Smartphone; I like the idea that with Automated Webinar Generator I can receive the chat message whenever I am and regardless of what I am doing.

Version 2.0

Mike Filsaime helped customize and launch Version 2.0 of this software.  Check out everything Version 2.0 of Automated Webinar Generator has.

We have a killer bonus that teaches you how to create a webinar that CONVERTS at over 20% sales rates.  Just contact me after you order for this free bonus.

Automated Webinar Generator vs FBWebinars

Automated webinar generator has one major competitor: FBWebinars.   Read my FB Webinars review and compare it to Automated Webinar Generator.

Automated Evergreen webinars now does LIVE webinars.  Plus if you buy either of these webinars through my link, you'll get my webinar tips.  I've personally used webinars to be the #4 recruiter in a network marketing company with over 100,000 reps.  So I know a thing or two about creating killer Evergreen webinars!  Just hit up my helpdesk after placing our order for Automated Webinar Generator.

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