
The Verdict on CI Direct Investing

“Everybody wants to get the most out of their assets.”

It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it is true. We all want to make the best out of everything we have in CI direct investing. The house we own, we want to make it last until we’re old. The car we just bought, we want to drive it for miles and miles long. The money we have sitting in the bank, we want it to earn through interests. Optimizing our resources has always been our main goal in life. And this is the reason why we get involved in investments.

Investing is an effective way to make your money grow. The best thing about it is that you make money passively. There’s no work needed for your end. And because of the technological advancements, investing has become more convenient because you can now do it online. Online investing made investing easier to understand and keep track of. To be successful in online investing, you need the right platform for this. And after scouring the internet for the best online investing platform, I’ve finally found CI Direct Investing.

What is CI Direct Investing?

CI Direct Investing

CI Direct Investing (formerly WealthBar) is an online wealth management platform. It is the leading robo adviser in Canada, and has been operating since 1965. The company has a diverse portfolio to ensure your risk is at the minimum while you get maximum returns. It basically, creates a good and unique investment portfolio especially for you. This is to cater your expectations you have and the financial risks you are willing to make.

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How I got involved with CI Direct Investing?

Of course, I did extensive research about this. Plus, I had several colleagues who did share their experience with CI Direct Investing to me. They didn’t even have to encourage me to join as CI Direct Investing Portfolio already showed their stellar performance in online investing.

Getting in CI Direct Investing is easy. There are just 5 simple steps.

1. Create an account with them.

You’ll just need to enter your email address and then create a username plus input a good and strong password.  Use this link to start.

2. Choose an account you’d like to open

They have several accounts for you to choose from. Their available accounts are RRSP (individual & spousal), TFSA, RESP (including for Quebec residents), High-Interest Savings Account, Non-Registered Accounts, RDSP, RRIF (individual & spousal), LIRA, LIF, RDSP, corporate, group savings, charitable organizations, individual pension plans, and personal pension plans.

3. Select a portfolio

Here, they’ll try to assess your portfolio by asking you several questions. By answering their questions honestly, the better the chances of them creating a suitable investment portfolio for you.

4. Enter your personal details

Just fill out the required details carefully to ensure the security of your funds.

5. Fund and sign your account with them

Start funding your account by e-signing an agreement with them.

After accomplishing all of these, you’re all set to watch your money grow.

The Verdict on CI Direct Investing

After opening an account with them, I have no complaints whatsoever. Here are the advantages I’ve experienced with CI Direct Investing:

  • I was able to get great financial advice PERSONALLY from their licensed financial advisers. I was able to call and get legit advice from them.
  • I am capable of overseeing my funds every day. With the help of their user-friendly dashboard, I am able to check on my stats as often as I want.
  • I have access to their financial planning tools too. These tools are integrated into their platform and it can generate projections on my fund’s potential investment growth.
  • They also have Cleantech add-on options available for all their portfolio.
  • I was also offered private asset classes with a broad diversification intended to reduce volatility.

After experiencing all of these advantages, I can confidently say that CI Direct Investing is significantly better than picking individual stocks. Worth your time, worth your investment, and worthy to be part of your future.

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