4 Tips for Making 2020 Amazing

It's a new year.  New decade.  Wow.

This year went so fast.

So I just have 4 quick things to share to help make your 2020 amazingly awesome.


First up is a quote. 

“How you do anything is how you do everything.” T Harv Eker.

When I first went to a Millionaire Mind 3-day conference, I was struck by how often this was said.  If I could boil down that conference to one sentence… that would be it.

Basically, it says you are your core.  If you take shortcuts in one thing, you tend to do the same in other areas of your life.

Now the great thing about humans is that our future is not pre-determined.

So if your year last year was not great, you have the power to make it better.  Starting now.

So take some time to reflect on what went well last year, and what went poorly – and draw up some actions to make a change.


Record your Odometer.

Even though I make my living online, I end up writing off a TON of my auto expenses because I'm strategic about it.

On that trip into the city, I hit a Staples and pick up some batteries for example.  I need batteries periodically for my Bose noise-canceling headphones.  

Boom.  That trip, including the portion of gas, repairs, insurance, and car payment is a write-off.  Plus the batteries.

All that adds up.

The problem is that it's a bit of a pain to record that and document the receipts.

So I use Taxbot for that.

I have a webinar explaining how it works and how I maximize my deductions and make everything easier at tax time.  But be sure to grab your starting Odometer reading for the year today!


Eat That Frog.

Get in the habit of tackling your most important thing first.

This habit will change your life.


There are still a couple of days to get GroovePages for a ONE-TIME price.

Think ClickFunnels 2.0.

Do you know how much you'll save by having a non-Wordpress page-builder for a one-time payment instead of paying $99 per month or more?  In 3 years, which tick by quickly, you're looking at $3600 on the low-end.

I strongly recommend you get GroovePages.

Anyone who buys from my link gets my tutorial on how I get one-cent traffic on YouTube, which in my opinion is the BEST traffic you can get.

Seriously.  You need a great page builder as an online marketer.  It's actually the first thing you need – even before an autoresponder now.  ????

PS – Want to share your goal with me for 2020?  Let me know in the comments and make yourself accountable for it!

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