A Day In The Life

OK, So here's what I did yesterday…

I'm ready to break out the superhero income.

Today I spent a little time this morning working. I took a hot bath because my back has been sore.

Then I made an appointment to see my French Osteopath.

I drove out to Kingsport,NS with Marie Sunshine Torres and my son enjoying a custom playlist I created that they both love. (Yea me!)

During my hour long appointment, Marie and Jack played in a nearby playground.

(Here's a pic!):

Jack at the playground
Jack at the playground

It was a nice, long country drive in my fast black BMW.

Then I bought a pillow. A $120 medium down pillow from some local bed and bath store. (My Osteopath says definitively that's the best kind.)

Then I drove up to the bank and deposited some checks I get from a sideline income stream. No lines at the bank. Life is good.

So on the way home, I saw a sign for the annual Lion's used book sale in Wolfville, NS. Had to stop. Bought some art books, a couple personal development books, some literature, some books for Marie and a whack of books for Jack. Nice old-school fairy tale books, some really cool learning books. Some that were just stories. Cool.

Then I got a couple bottles of wine. Italian and Argentinean.

Then went to Pete's Frootique a boutique food store in Wolfville and picked up some groceries. And I shared a nice large salad there with Marie. Buttermilk dressing and fresh Gargonzola cheese. Yes, I was excited that they had Gargonzola as an option!

Then I came home and called a couple people. Helped them. While I was doing this, Marie and Jack made homemade popsicles using pear juice, pears and avocado.

Played with Jack. Read to him. Sat with him while he ate. Then chilled as he played “chef” in his growing “restaurant.”

Marie was downstairs on the computer.

Popsicles turned out more like ice cream, but Jack was still happy with them.
Asked him what the highlight of his day was – it was the book sale.

Checked my Paypal income. All good. Made a couple of calls. Got some new people coming into my business.

And now I'm on Facebook writing this message.

==> I made over $2890 today. While living life and spending time on my own terms. Not 1 in 100 people can say that.

superhero income
superhero income

Here's the point – I've structured my business to allow me to live like this. I don't have any debt except from my mortgage which I'm paying extra on every second week. It was not always like this.

For the last couple months, I've been hinting around at passive income. About multiple opportunities. About stuff I've been working on in the background.

Well, it's go time.

I'm ready to start unveiling what I've been working on for the last 6 months.

If you have been wanting to work with me, if you are ready to get with me on some huge projects – then show me.

==> Click Here

Fill out that survey and show me you are ready. I will be using HOW you answer to prioritize my callbacks.

Let's go!

23 thoughts on “A Day In The Life”

  1. Since Cedrick Harris is no longer in Visalus (now in another functional drink company), you should probably remove your “testimonial video” with him in it.

  2. I watched all testimonials from people who speak English very well. And I never saw Asain people in it. This is my big concern: for the people who English is their second language, how do you teach/help them to earn money?
    I have already joined you 2 months ago, I paid $27, but I totally don’t know what should I sell? what kinds of products do you have?—–totally have no idea!
    My English is not good, are you interested to teach/help me? Compare with people who speak English, you might spends hundred times to teach me. I just want to know can you guarantee to teach me until I make money?
    I need talk to through your personal phone or skype, if you don’t mind.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  3. Hi Andrew .. How are you? Can you tell me what is the difference with your Zing than the two cents one and social lead. I am not all that great with computer .. etc .. I am a bit older looking to learn more in marketing since I am launching my business that’s in event planning. However, I do have affiliate products that I would love to see grow.


  4. Hi Andrew, I’m receiving your “60 day marketing transformation” info and I’m wondering, It seems that it is tailored more to the MLM business, I’m not really interested in an MLM business but I would like to learn how to do affiliate marketing. Will the MLMZing program help me with affiliate marketing?

  5. hey Andew … I’m ready to join something. I’m good people.

    …here’s something for you which I’m sure you’ve heard it all by now.

    Guy signs me up for a program, and promises to put people under me. Well, 1 month, 2months go by and now I’m working to get people, but I was reminded what this guy said….. so I shoot him an email AND you know what this guy said to me ……..”oh, I’m not in that anymore (…What!?!?!?) – blame the upline, they were to pass the people to you not me, so that’s why I got out of it, but you can come join me over in pure leverage & enpower …..” …..
    ….my response, are you crazy. If you handle me in this situation, how are you going to handle me in another program … no thanks brotha!!!

    Are their any real genuine people are there who’s willing to work with and honest person who simply trying to make a living from the rat race and help others do so….

    Andrew….I’m really interested, maybe you can point me in the right direction. There was a number to call in your email. I left a message.

    Help – somebody!!!
    …ohhh, loving the 60 day training, only on day 4!!!

  6. Andrew …

    …thanks soooo very much for getting back to me.

    …hey it’s Wednesday – the day before Thanksgiving.

    I not up to anything, so available anytime – EST (Ohio)

    Let me leave my #

    Thanks again sincerely …. and I look forward to working with you!!!


  7. Hey…gui..Millenaire…!!!

    1) is there any way…to get one or two dollers for ordinary people like me…really?

    2) if it is there…can we reach that ‘way of miracle’ in our long lives??

    3) are you ready to give that type of choice heartly…to get some “light” in some lives like mine..???

    (I am just in a “_____”… like lot of peaple frankly!)

    Thank you.

  8. Forgive me if i was done any misbehavior.. plz.

    I will try to change my way of thinking.

    and i will try to fallow your words.

    what about “FBcashmethod”?
    (i am in FBcashmethod already)

    and,now…. “DS Domination”!

    next ?
    no problem.
    I am okay if you are ok.

    I will try to check out that one also…with your blessings.

    i would like to see even few pennies in my journey of searching for ‘miracle’ with this type of works!


    Thank you very much for your reply.. sir.

    yours sincerely..

  9. Sir,
    I am watching some interesting ways to learn in 6th module (training) in “FBcashmethod” now. i think there is a choice to get some bucks with your help.

    give me one advice plz…. what can i do now….1)am i continue this trainining module? is there a choice really to earn? or 2) am i need to take another one like..”D$ Domination”?

    I was paid $74 for FBcashmethod in my critical situation with suggestion of “Sakhib Khan”. but, he doesn’t reply me timely.

    anyway….may i continue that?

    is there no choice to get some good results?

    Give me one idea please.

    Thank you.

    Yours sincerely
    [email protected]

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