Are You Testing And Tracking?

Are You Testing And Tracking?

A lot of people are very confused about why they need to TEST and TRACK their marketing campaigns – which can even be as simple as a status update message on facebook.

Now you don't need to do this every time, but I recently got some very critical insider data after launching a new campaign.  In this video, I explain what I look for when I'm tracking, and drop a couple of gold nuggets you.

I mention using Hootsuite.  I will be uploading a video on how to use Hootsuite later, but here's where you can get this amazing little money-generator.

By the way, on that webinar, I had an $18.55 EPC for every lead that registered for the webinar.  Actually, that number is very low, since it's a recurring income stream.  I got that by dividing the income generated ($2700) by the number of total registrants for that campaign (144.)

$2700 / 144 = $18.55

Now that is a PROFITABLE webinar.  And it's open to using if you want to create profits using the same high-converting webinar.  Watch the webinar for details.

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