
How To Automate Social Media (Part 2)

How To Automate Social Media (Part 2)

Yesterday I explained about one of the tools I use to automate my sales using social media.  You can watch Part 1 here.

This is another tool I use that is not quite free, but I have tested and know for a fact that it creates a new profit of nearly $100 per month – all while building my social media reach and generating leads.

This is a super easy way I use to create a couple hundred dollars in affiliate commissions – even if you're really lazy.

You can use this to generate TRAFFIC on Facebook and Linkedin – even if you have ZERO friends.  And it requires even less time that the free tool I told you about yesterday.

Ready?  Check out the video.

Get a free trial of Hootsuite

I got turned onto this tool by master marketer, Chris Burpee.

See also  How To Use Stumbleupon Advertising

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