How To Use Stumbleupon Advertising

How To Use Stumbleupon Advertising

In addition to Facebook, several other web2.0 social networks have quietly opened up pay-per-click advertising.

Myspace is open to US residents (not Canadians yet or I would have tried it already.)

Linkedin has a higher-priced PPC option.

And Stumbleupon has advertising also.

Using Stumbleupon Advertising

Here's a quick video showing how I quickly can setup a campaign on Stumbleupon Advertising in under 5 minutes:

Let me know if you have any questions below:

PS – I've got an attachment where you can easily see the kind of granularity they have into the different categories.  Taking the time to really find the right category/categories for your product/offer is a key to success using Stumbleupon Advertising.

Here's a link to the Stumbleupon Advertising Categories.

4 thoughts on “How To Use Stumbleupon Advertising”

  1. Mark@ Free Offer

    Trying out some stumbleupon advertising now, it just seems that certain offers and landing pages will be more successful. I don’t see a lot of affiliate offers selling there, maybe free stuff or to gain interest in your niche?

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