
How You Can Hire The Right Staff The First Time

When you start your business you can hire the right staff, you are in that situation where everything is left to you. Your idea takes over to the point where you start to work on it during any spare time that you have. It eventually gets to the stage where you can leave a job and support yourself and your family and you work from home. But as things progress you can quickly move away from the home set up, get yourself a business premises and get to the stage of hiring staff to take on specific roles within your company. It is an exciting time. 

But, the main issue that so many business leaders can face is being able to hire the right people straight away. It costs a lot of money to go through a recruitment phase, and even more if you have to redo any of it because the person you hired didn’t work out to be a right fit. Business has changed in the last six months, and it is now more important than ever before to save money. But your business still needs to move forward and hiring staff could be an excellent way to do it. You may be thinking about the best processes to follow, or with recent changes even how you can go about recruitment phases and making the right call. So here are some of the ways that you can ensure that you hire the right staff the first time round.

Image source – Pixabay – cco license

Making the advert informative and attractive 

One of the first things that you need to do is make sure that you get the right advert out. The advert for the job needs to be informative, but it also needs to be attractive. Ensure that you include the right sort of person you are looking for, the necessary experience and a little about what the job entails. You will also want to make sure that you advertise the job in all of the right places. Websites that advertise multiple jobs specifically, dedicated websites and maybe even using recruitment agencies to help you get the right candidates. Your advert is your first chance to attract the right person, so think about the keywords you use and also how you advertise the position. If there are any specifics in terms of qualifications or needs that you require, make sure you specify them in the advert. This avoids you getting people applying that are unsuitable for the job role. 

Organize the interview 

The next thing to think about would be to organize the interviews. Once you have all of the resumes and you have sifted through a shortlist, this is when the interview plays an important role. Make sure you give the potential candidates a little bit of warning and arrange a suitable time. If you are interviewing more than one person allow yourself enough time to interview each candidate thoroughly. You don’t want to be rushing if you are behind schedule. Also ahead of time plan what you are wanting to say and the type of information that you want to know from each candidate as well. If you like, personalize the interview based on the information in the resume. This should give you a great indication as to whether you have the right feeling about the person. 

Don’t just settle for one interview

Having one interview is great, but you don’t want to settle for just the one meeting. Make sure you have a second and maybe even third interview so that you can get to know the candidate. It might be worth thinking about things such as a first interview to discuss the role and reasons why they want to apply for the job, and then a second interview to really get engrossed in their resume and the experience they have. Having a third interview for shortlisted candidates from that point could be more of a general chat and working out whether the personality will fit. 

Making people comfortable with new guidelines

There are some changes afoot now when it comes to the new guidelines thanks to COVID-19 and so you may want to think about how you can make people comfortable when it comes to having an interview with you. This might mean openly discussing the options of wearing a face mask or explaining social distancing so that everyone feels comfortable with the situation. 

Offer up alternative ways to interview 

Given the current climate, it might not be possible to do a face to face meeting because of things such as face masks and social distancing regulations. So you may need to start thinking about alternative ways that you can conduct an interview. This is when using video conferencing software can help you to communicate more effectively. There are also plenty of websites you can try that can do video calls and link-ups, and these can also be very useful. Telephone interviews are also great in the first instance to ask some important key questions ahead of making any special arrangements for a face to face meeting afterward. 

Image source – pixabay – cco license

Make sure you know all of the facts

It is important for you to know all of the facts when it comes to hiring the right staff members. So it might be worth doing some background checks after the first initial interview. After this interview, you are likely to have a shorter list of people you want to see again, as you narrow it down, and this is the stage where an outsourced company could run background checks. This can help you to feel better about the situation and also be worth doing if your business has anything to do with financial related stuff. Bankruptcy checks and checking things like licenses could be an important factor before wasting any more time if you find something that could affect your insurances etc. 

Gain decent references 

It is no good taking the word of the candidate when it comes to their past experience and achievements, and this is when gaining references can make a big difference in how you perceive a candidate. References from their employment may cover their achievements and experience but also things like sickness or unexplained absences. Both of these can help you to decide whether a candidate is a suitable fit for your business. You might also want personal or character references, as well as this, can help you to get a better understanding of whether or not someone will fit with your style of working and also within your business with any other employees that you already have working for you. 

Ensure that other managers are involved 

Most business leaders will take on the responsibility of hiring staff, but what they fail to realize is that they may not be the person that has to work with them every day. You may have other individuals or line managers that they will report into, so it might be worth getting them involved in the later stages of the interview process. It can be a test of whether the personality matches, and whether or not they agree that they could be a good fit for the role. This can also give you another opinion to work with. They may be able to highlight something in the answers to an interview question that you might have missed. You want to ensure that you make the right decision the first time, so involving important people that will be potently working with them can help you to make that big decision. 

Offer flexible working arrangements

These last few months have taught us that flexible working can be an option, so you may want to give people this opportunity when working for you. Working from home, and remotely may open up your position to people that may not have considered it beforehand. Right now staying safe is important so working from home and remotely may entice the perfect candidate for your role. 

Be upfront and honest 

Finally, throughout the interview and contact that you have with potential candidates always be upfront and honest about the job, your expectations, and even things such as earning potential. Many people leave their jobs after only a few short months because the role hasn’t lived up to expectations. You could nip this in the bud by explaining exactly what the role entails, the earning potential, and your expectations as a business. The more honest you are, the more you can gauge a reaction as to whether this person will be the right fit for your business. Plus it avoids and fast turnover of staff and helps you to secure people within your team that are willing to work with you for the long haul. Honesty is important as you will likely expect it back when it comes to that person performing the job role you hire them for. 

Let’s hope that these tips help you when it comes to hiring the right staff for the job and getting the decision right for your business. 

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