IKEA Vimle: How To Assemble The IKEA Vimle Sofa

Last year, we bought the IKEA Vimle sofa. It's a modular sofa from IKEA, so you can customize it to suit your own family.

The IKEA Vimle is a much better quality sofa then the IKEA sofas of yesteryear, which we also own. It has retained its firmness and the cover stays taut over the cushions, which keeps it looking nice and new.

The assembly of the IKEA Vimle is a little wonky.

There are instructions only in the cover sections, which is quite odd since you assemble the frame first. plus, part of the sofa is called a Ratorp. So if you see that instruction manual in with the dozens of boxes, don't panic. This will show you how to assemble the Ratorp also!

Word of advice: Don't try to assemble the Vimle without the instructions, or better yet, the video embedded below from our YouTube channel. It's not that it's hard to assemble, but it needs to be done in a particular order.

And there is one really tricky part to assembling the Vimle that you should be aware of from the start.

How To Assemble The IKEA Vimle

Here is a video of our family assembling the Vimle and walking you through all the steps visually:

Side note: We managed to fit ALL the parts in our Volvo CX 90. However, if you have a smaller SUV or car, you might need to make two trips or have IKEA deliver.

By the way, IKEA has partnered with TaskRabbit, so you can always just pay somebody else to assemble your Vimle, and you can focus on just enjoying it.

Let me know how much you love your Vimle in the comments below.

Read more about me here.

You can download the digital version of the IKEA Vimle Instruction Manual here.

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