Weekend Beat Episode 9

So… what happened to the Weekend Beat?

I took the summer off writing and spent a lot of family time.

So let's get into it, shall we?

So here are your three nuggets…

1) A tool or resource I've been using (often free).2) A song I've had on repeat this week3) A short thought or idea you can put into action or reflect on for the weekend.

So pretty simple.

So let's get started.

1) Tool


This is a tool that USED to be free, but is now on a paid credit system.  $10 gets you 10,000 credits, so it's not expensive.

What I like about this tool is that it's a browser extention that provides SEARCH VOLUME data, even for YouTube.

This helps me choose what to make new content and videos on.

UPDATE: There is a free alternative keyword search volume tool available called “What's My Serp?

2) Song

A song I've had on repeat for the past few weeks is the entire Taylor Swift CD, Lover.  Jack has always been into Taylor Swift, and apparently, we are not allowed to change the CD yet.  Marie won't let me either.

The song I really like from it is Death By A Thousand Cuts, which has two different riffs on top of each other that somehow work.

I think of the reasons she's been so successful is that she has a way of telling a story with some unique details in her songs.

It's a good album.  The back half has some filler, but very listenable.

3) Concept

I sent out a couple of emails about having a side hustle.  And I've thought about the different ways I earn money.  None of them are from traditional sources, except, of course, investing.
There are MANY different ways to create a side income.  And while I think Gary Vaynerchuck is completely unbalanced with his 100% work 0% family “hustle”… There are many ways that don't require you to sacrifice your entire life.

So here are 177 ways to create a side hustle.

Not all are ideal for you.  In fact, most of them might not resonate with.  You only need one or two (or three) and to put those into action!

PS – I don't know how long this Side Hustle offer is going to be around.  But I've read through it, and I can tell you that it's worth it.
Highly recommended.

Get the Side Hustle Bible here.

PPS – The link only works for a US IP.  So you can get a VPN which allows you to change you IP here.

And if you are in Canada, check out this instead.

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