
Summer 2018 Road Trip

First off, how’s it going?

How’s your summer been?

On our end, we have so much going on!

Coming into September we’re continuing on the roll we’ve been on…

We're helping our students in the MHUB community find their purpose, their marketing voices and their work/life balance all the while getting them an abundance of leads and sales!

We’re getting bigger and better and I can’t wait to tell you more, including the 90 day blitz we’re about to start!

Plus, get going with us now and boost your leads and sales and coming into the Holiday season!  I mean who couldn’t use that!

That being said, if you’re wondering why it’s been a little while since I last posted, it’s because of this epic, sort of last minute road trip the wife and I decided to take with the littles.

Our family on our epic road trip. Selfie in front of the CN Tower in Toronto.

Yes, it was slightly spontaneous (Marie had been hinting to me about a road trip to the States for a few weeks) but it was only last minute that we decided to go for it.

We then decided to throw Toronto into the mix because what the heck, we’re only 8 hours away anyhow from NYC, one of our stops on our epic road trip!

Of course, it was the Toronto portion of the road trip that extended our vacation WAY past the 3+ week mark, one, because it’s our hometown and, two, we just decided to stay longer because we were having so much darn fun!

See also  Neo Money Card

Plus, when you work from a laptop, location freedom is a perk we take advantage of!

Okay, so where did we go?

Awesome sign at “The Goat” cafe.

For the first part of our trip we spent an almost 23 hour trip in the car through Maine, New York City and Pennsylvania.

This was on our on our way to our main destination, the Pocono Mountains, to meet up with family from NYC, Toronto, and California – it was kind of a mini reunion thrown together last minute and everybody just happen to fly in!

Wild really!

Anyways, Jack and Henry were troopers in the car (especially Henry who at 2 years old can be somewhat unpredictable but boy was he good!)

Taking a break from the car.

They were happy little passengers in the car looking out the window, eating snacks, colouring, reading books, ipading (yes, we used electronics for some of it so don’t judge :P) and singing along to our music selection picked especially for our summer 2018 roadtrip.

If you want the playlist, let me know – it was pretty stellar!

Jack stretching his legs after a 2 hour stint in the car.

We hit some cool spots along the way like the Portland Children’s Museum where the boys had a blast.

Outside the Portland Museum of Art (right beside the Children's Museum.)
Spaceship exhibit
Henry LOVED this exhibit (the ball was being blown upwards by gusts of air!)

We then spent the majority of our time hanging with family in the Poconos for about a week.

We went canoeing on the Delaware Water Gap, fishing, and picked up an original oil painting we picked up in an antique shop in East Stroudburg.

Don't you love it?!

Anyways, since we’re foodies we always have to make stops to all the fabulous food places we spot on the way.

See also  Lifestyle

Other stores like Whole Foods also get some love because we don’t have them where we live. I’m always amazed at the selection versus what we have in Canada.

We follow a mainly paleo/keto diet as do our children and sometimes the selection available in the States makes us jealous 😉

Anyways, we spent a fabulous week in the States we made our way to our hometown…


We got to catch up with friends we grew up with, see family, see the sights and eat some awesome food!

Downtown Toronto Eats!
Dining al fresco at an old friends house. Henry is asleep on my lap, lol!

We treated ourselves to yummy gluten free eats in Chinatown where the boys chowed down on some authentic Chinese food, delicious sweet treats from a favourite Greek bakery.

Jack in front of a mural in Chinatown!
Jack at the Greek bakery. Eyeing the GF treats.
Henry ogling the sweets 🙂
Thinking of what else we can take home, yummm!
A box of gluten free almond cookies and gluten free macarons! Aren't they gorgeous!?
Bubble Tea. I can never find it where we live, so this was a treat! Taro with pearls.

We also checked out the African Lion Safari and took the boys to the Ripley’s Aquarium which they really enjoyed!

African Lion Safari – Look up! Here's a monkey that decided to hitch a ride on our side view passenger mirror. This monkey stayed with us for a good 10 minutes!
Andrew and Henry at the jellyfish tank.
Such colourful anemones

Pick Up Soccer

Jack, on the 3rd night we arrived, found some neighbourhood boys who played soccer.

Every evening for the next 9 nights, Jack and these boys (many of them several years older than Jack) would play for at least 3 hours until the streetlights came on.

He. Loved. It.

Jack's “street squad” Playing pickup soccer until the streetlights come on. Quintessential summer!

Of course, being a soccer obsessed family, the highlight for us was the TFC game (the team we follow in the MLS) that we took Jack to at BMO Field.

Before the game
Jack at the TFC game
Andrew enjoying the game!
Selfie. Jack and his mama!

And here’s the thing…we believe that life is all about experiences.

This is what we want to give to our boys…

Part of the reason we decided to work for ourselves years ago was to have the time, location freedom and financial freedom to live our life on our own terms. 

  • No job constraints.
  • No salary constraints.
  • No constraints on our life experiences, period. 
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On top of that, we knew what we were worth and we wanted our life to reflect that.

Now, we're helping our students do the same.

This 3 week vacation is where we unplugged, took the time to decompress and relax.

It was awesome but now we're ready to work and knock it out of the park over this 90 days.

Are you?

Hope you enjoyed our pictures and if you want to know more about how we work, parent-preneur, homeschool and create work/life balance…

==>  then visit this link.

The information in this Masterclass changed our lives, it can change your too!

Andrew and Marie

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