Things to Consider When Making a Brand Video

There’s a good reason why so many brands are turning to video marketing. Video is extremely hot right now, with around 80% of internet traffic being tied to video streaming. In other words, people love videos, and for that reason, it’s worthwhile looking at making your own! After all, if you can give the people what they want, then they’ll be more likely to become a customer. However, it’s not as if you can just publish any old video and expect to get results. You’ll have to work to make sure that it works well. In this blog, we’ll look at some important things to consider that’ll put you on the right track.

Things to consider when making a brand video.

Where Will It Go?

There’s more than one place to host a video! And where you choose will have an impact on the content. You’ll naturally make a different video for, say, YouTube than you would for Instagram. So when you’re in the development stage, have a think about where you plan to put your finished video. Longer videos can go on YouTube; short and sweet content can go on Instagram/TikTok. The overall content of the video should be in line with what people expect from the platform you use, too.

Who’s It For?

It’s really important to think about who you’re trying to reach with your marketing materials, and that’s especially true when it comes to your videos. You can’t hope to bring everyone on board when you make a video — you’ll just be hoping to reach a small slither of the population. You should try to aim your video at your target demographic. What sort of content do they enjoy? What sort of language do they use? Answers to these questions and more should guide your development. 

What’s the Best Way to Present It?

You’ll likely already know that there’s more than one way to present a video. Some have people talking directly to the camera; some have dialogue, and some just have music. It’ll be up to you to decide which is the best way to convey your message. Some styles lend themselves to certain types of content better than others. For instance, if you’re dealing with a complex topic, then an animated explainer video may make the most sense since that can help to make a difficult topic more digestible. If it’s a product that you’re selling, then your video could show the product in action. 

What’s The Goal?

Making a video can be fun, but you’ll hope to get more from the project than just a bit of fun! During the development of your video, it’s a good idea to keep the end goal in mind. There’ll be something that you want to achieve from your video, and keeping it in mind will ensure that you don’t move too far off target. You should also find ways to measure the success of your video, so you can see what worked well, what didn’t, and so forth, so you can make changes next time around. 

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