Weekend Beat: Episode 2

It's Friday!  Time for the Weekend Beat to get you through your weekend.

And I'm going to be dropping 3 nuggets for you each week.

1) A tool or resource I've been using (often free).

2) A song I've had on repeat this week

3) A short thought or idea you can put into action or reflect on for the weekend.

So pretty simple.

So let's get started.

1) Tool

A tool I have been using recently is Iris.

Now don't laugh, but I just figured out that dark mode is not just about what is preferable as a “skin” on UI, but it serves a purpose.

Dark mode has significantly less “blue light” that effects circadian rhythms and prevents the body from prepping correctly for sleep.

So, obviously, this won't keep you from using your phone too much, which is a systematic problem of the modern age, but there is growing evidence that a reduction of blue light really helps the body in many ways.

Here ‘s an article on the negative effects of blue light.

What I love about Iris is that there are different modes – so if you're watching a video, you can switch to a mode that is ideal for that.  And it helps reduce eyestrain, which I've noticed at time while I've been using it.

You can download Iris here.

2) Song

A song I've been grooving to this week is Need Your Love So Bad by Little Willie John.  Sweet voice, and a bad ass in real life.  Pretty sad story, actually.  He died in prison and his last record was delayed by music business stuff.

But this is one of those songs when you hear it, you kinda wonder why it never was quite a well known as a lot of other songs at the time that were clearly not as good.

Anyways, a good artist to dig deeper into this weekend.

3) Concept

Ready, Fire, Aim.

This is a concept I learned from Michael Masterson.  (Who is one of my favorite authors in the marketing space.)  This is a fantastic book of his.

The thing holding you back is yourself.  You need to scrap perfection and just get out of your own way and stumble forward…even if it's not perfect.

Done is better than perfect draft.

Look of what you have been putting off – and calculate what you would need to just get it done and finished quickly.  Step out of your comfort zone and get something finished that you have been putting off.

Then you can re-adjust and refine later.

But if you keep waiting for that perfect shot… you'll never pull the trigger.

Let me know if you like this idea from the Weekend Beat, and have a fantastic weekend.

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