August 2015 Recap

August was a fantastically productive and busy month.

I usually work less in the summer as I find I can't concentrate as well if it's too hot outside.  Plus, I have all the responsibilities of coaching soccer and the extra time commitments that takes but that being said, it was a great month.

Following up on the smashing success of my #9 placement in the eCom Experts Academy leaderboard in July, I finished #6 in Justin Sardi's launch of his Video Ads course.  He has a really great software as the upsell that helps you find targeted placements.


Video is one thing I need to improve on a little in this year. In fact, most of you will probably remember, Marie and I used to do a TON of video and it was a huge part of our marketing arsenal. We've fallen off a little in the last year and so we're getting back into it. look out because we have some amazing videos coming!…And if you're not doing any video, you need to start!  Seriously.  It's the face of the future.

Check out the course here (Video Ads on YouTube)

I also promoted Robert Mercado's Twitter tool – that allows you to scrape custom audiences from Twitter.  I placed #2 in the leads leaderboard.

mercado leaderboard

Twitter Ads is something I want to test out more of in 2015.  There are a lot of new social media ad possibilities opening up.  Like Instagram Ads, which is rolling out to Facebook For Business accounts.

instagram ads

By the way, you can follow me on instagram here.

I started emailing more stories and content and value to my list.

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I wrote some good emails for DS Domination, and I ran some Facebook Ads as a test for an eCommerce software on Jvzoo.  I was very satisfied with the results.  I'll give you some quick numbers so you can see into one of my affiliate campaigns:  259 clicks at .39 cents each for a ad spend of 101.22 and I brought in 467.00 in affiliate commissions for a Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) or $3.61 for every dollar spent.

That's the kind of solid performing results you can scale up.

Here is a calculator that can calculate that for you:

I also promoted VooPlayer, an excellent video player software that is much less expensive than Wistia, but adds some crazy conversion abilities that marketers like me love.

But on the marketing side of the house, what I'm most proud of was that I released a brand-new excellent training.

I created an all-content training using the ClickFunnels funnel system.  It was really easy to setup and integrate once I had the content recorded.

Here's a link to that training:

How To Make A Full-Time Income From A Small List

It's a good piece of content, and I got some great feedback on it.  I think one of the reasons people fail is that they inadequately create revenue in their business – which will kill you every time.

Personal Side:

On the personal side, Jack got his first career hat trick.  He's a great player, but he still needs to develop a stronger kick.  He's very accurate, but needs a little more power.  I was really happy to see him score 3 in one game.

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Here is is with his game ball.  2 of his best friends from Toronto were there watching!

He had a blast playing with his friends all week:


Here's a little video about some of those Summer Days that just make you so glad to be alive:

Thea, Harriet and Jack planned a lovely secret dinner for us at our summer place on the ocean for our 15th year wedding Anniversary.  Yup, Marie and I have been married for 15 years now!  High school sweethearts still going strong.

They prepared a lovely fried fish dinner with potatoes, candles and even tried to find some romantic music on YouTube to play in the background.  (They found some Italian music video on YouTube.)  Here are the little troublemakers:

Anniversary Dinner

Other than that, we a had a lot of soccer, tennis, bike riding, golf and swimming this summer.

His swimming improved fantastically and he got even more practice when we spent time at our cottage on the lake, which was awesome.

We also went to a friend's cottage on an island, which was fun.  Ate a ton of fresh scallops!  Here's a picture:

at a friends cottage

Towards the end of the month, I started to re-launch my 5-Part Blogging Training videos I recorded with Marie before my Mother died.  We actually had promoted the first 2 to my list in early February just before she passed away, and abandoned the series when she was in the hospital and died.  You just can't promote and write emails in a situation like that.  And you don't want to.  One of the many blessings of this type of business is you can take time off when you really need to.

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I'll talk more about that next month, as the majority of the video sequence was done in September.

Busy month.  And you won't believe what we have planned for the next couple of months!  Love anything?  Let me know.

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