Drive More Traffic – The Amazing Power of Keyword Research

Today I wanted to share with you a this free keyword research tool…

So let me preface it by saying this: The other day, I explained why having content on your own platform is key to driving traffic to your offers.

Today, I want to help you discover how doing the proper keyword research and knowing what keywords people are looking for is such a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal that it can change your entire business.

See, many people don't really know keywords their niche or target audience is looking for – they guess.

And you know what, most people “guess” because they assume that they would have some idea of what their target audience is looking for because they are knowledgeable about the niche after all 🙊

Thing is, you don't need to guess. By doing keyword research, you can discover exactly what keywords your niche is searching for and write blog posts that address their main problems and concerns for my using this amazing keyword research tool…

It’s called ​WhatsMySerp. And it's a free chrome extension that gives you search volume data from Google.

I find this ​absolutely essential​ in my keyword research and for picking keyword phrases to create blog posts and YouTube videos about.

One of the really nice things about it is that it also gives you ​semantic​ keywords, which means keywords that are highly related but don’t contain​ the actual keyword phrase you searched for.

Like if you were looking for soccer balls, you would get the usual suspects like “soccer ball sizes” and “soccer ball size 5” but also highly relevant buyer keywords that don’t contain the exact keyword phrase “soccer ball” like “euro 2020 ball.”

And they give 6 “pages” of extra keywords.

keyword research sample

Keyword Research On A Whole New Level

WhatsMySERP​ is especially handy when uncovering other important keywords in a niche (particularly in a niche you may not be an expert in and know all the jargon for), and also for finding competitors.

If I type “aweber” for example, which is an email marketing SAAS company, I will get their competitors also. So I’ll get ideas like “GetResponse, “Mailchimp,” “ConvertKit,” etc. This can be really helpful in uncovering the main players in a given niche.

Now here's the kicker: To take full advantage of using your keyword research, you'll also want to have a blog on which to write blog posts to help you rank for SEO (search engine optimization).

If you don't have one, be sure to visit BlogLabs to get a WordPress blog with the DIVI theme installed and a custom header all for FREE, minus the cost of hosting.

👉👉👉 Yes, all the installation and technical set-up is done for you, and you get a beautiful blog with which to take your business to the next level.

Keyword Research is Vital To A Healthy Traffic Campaign

So in summary, if you are looking for leads and traffic to your offers, be sure to start implementing keyword research. Keyword research is vital to any healthy traffic campaign because you CANNOT find the right audience to buy your products if you aren't 100% sure of what they are searching for.

So take the guesswork out of your marketing and start implementing keyword research.

Also, for the 12 proven ways to get traffic in 2021 and to take our traffic challenge, go pick up my newly released “Traffic Report” that will show you all the top 12 current ways to get traffic to your offers so that you reap the benefits of more sales and income.

And again, I am here with you on this journey to driving massive traffic to your blog, website, and offers. Be sure to pick up and read the report in its entirely and start using the tools and the strategies today. You will reap the benefits with your hard work and consistency.

And today, let me leave you with another message we received from one of our readers about this report:

Andrew, I have no idea why this information isn't being shared. I knew that successful online entrepreneurs must have been doing or using different tools than what is normally talked about. Thank you for shining a light and helping others who have a real desire to succeed.” – John Abbott

Have a great day guys and start implementing the strategies we cover. You'll see the difference 💯💯💯

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