Daegan Smith’s Postcard Recruiting Secrets Review

Daegan Smith's Postcard Recruiting Secrets Review

This blog post is a review of Postcard Recruiting Secrets, the new marketing training course from MLM trainer Daegan Smith.

What is Postcard Recruiting Secrets?

psotcard recruting secrets
Postcard Recruting Secret

Postcard Recruiting Secrets is a new information marketing course that is surprisingly relevant.  Just a few years ago, postcards and offline marketing techniques were becoming less and less important.

Sure, it's always great to sell a physical product, becasue you can easily re-market to your customers – which is one of the reasons why SendOutCards is so cool….

…But there's been a huge change in the industry.


First up…

The Google Slap

A little over a year ago, network marketers who were advertising on Adwords suddenly logged into their Google Adwords account and saw a strange thing: there were no new impressions.  No ads were being shown.

The ads weren't disapproved.

They just had zero impressions.

Here's one of my Adwords accounts:

from adwords to postcard recruting

After the dust settled, it became clear what happened.

Google decided they didn't like network marketers using Adwords.  And slowly, through a meticulous manual review process, they have virtually cleared ALL of the network marketers off Adwords.

I was pissed!

I ranted a bit.  Complained.  Hired people to run my Adwords accounts.  Nothing worked.

Which sucked, because Adwords was a cash-cow for me.

Next up…

The Facebook Slap

Facebook also does not look favorably on “marketing” ads.  You can't mention money claims (which is what really sells, right?)

So while you can market on Facebook, you have do it in a round-about way.  Which generally is more expensive than marketing directly.

But recently, something even more insidious has come about:

The YouTube Slap

My YouTube account was closed without warning a few days ago.

(And when you have over 300 videos, it's a pain to fix everything and find dead YouTube links in your autoresponder series.)

Fortunately I was already hosting all of my video squeeze pages on vimeo.

But this highlights an industry wide problem.

Large marketing channels are being closed to Network Marketers!

Think about that for a second.  It's important.

Facebook can easily just disapprove any marketing-type ads.  And overnight, your business could be headed for a tailspin.

That's why offline marketing still matters.

In fact, I think it's even more critical than before.

Enter Postcard Recruiting Secrets by Deagan Smith (the king of never calling a single lead!)

Postcard Recruiting Secrets Benefit #1

Postcards are great because they are impossible for any marketing channel (Google, Yahoo, Facebook) to stop.

You suddenly become immune to a trend (attacking marketers) that I think is going to get more intense online.

Postcard Recruiting Secrets Benefit #2

Recruiting distributors via postcards is duplicatable.

I do a lot of SEO, which works great for me, and works good for some of my team also…But some people just don't get it.  And while we offer to outsource this for members of our team, it is pretty costly.

But postcards – anybody can do that and get very similar results!

Think about that over the long-term.  Imagine if you had an entire team below you sending out postcards.  This is one of the reasons why some of the ultra-top earners in the industry are clueless about online marketing – they just learned how to do the offline stuff really, really good.

And this leads also into the third main benefit of Postcard Recruiting Secrets:

Postcard Recruiting Secrets #3

It's scalable.

Once you have a postcard (or direct mail piece) that works, you can easily recruit tens of even hundreds of distributors a month.

And scalability is one of the hallmarks of a REAL business that most network marketers really don't understand.

Robert Kiyosaki, for example, is rich because of scale.  he sells TONS of books.  And making just a small piece off a LOT of people will lead you very quickly to wealth.

(I think he makes more money from his information empire than his real estate deals, but that's just my 2-cents.)

And finally…

Postcard Recruiting Secrets #4

It's free if you do it right.


Postage ain't free, Andrew!

No, but there's an old offline marketing principle called SLO (self-liquidating leads) which basically is set up this way: your goal is to sell a small priced item on the front end via your postcards.  (This is described in detail in Daegan's course.)

So you have a buyers list – and then you sell them your main opportunity – Xango, Xowii, Numis Network, Talk Fusion, Pizza Box Formula.  Whatever.

It's very cool.

And when you combine all 4 main benefits you get something unstoppable.

What Sucks About Postcard Recruiting Secrets?

It doesn't teach you about internet marketing – which is stil lessential.  You need to take prospects from the offline world (postcards and direct mail) to the ONLINE world (to become a lead or buy.)

This is different from direct mail 5 or 10 years ago.  Nobody faxes in credit cards anymore!

But, I've put together a bonus package that KILLS these problems.

Postcard Recruiting Secrets Bonus #1

As a bonus, I'm going to give you my “Offline To Online Method” DVD, which is a physical DVD I'll ship to you.  It's an 80+ minute vidoe where I show you how to take offline tools to drive online traffic.

Postcard Recruiting Secrets Bonus #2

MLMZing.  I'm going to be closing down MLMZing soon, so this may be your only chance to become a member.  I just got a new testimonial about it today.

(MLMZing retails for $297)

MLMZing teaches internet marketing – which if you combine it with the traffic you can generate from mailing postcards, can take the whole Postcard Recruiting Secrets to a new level.

Postcard Recruiting Secrets Bonus #3

Ryan Deiss has a report that explains how to create a SLO (self-liquidating offer.)  This is one of my favourite reports I've read – and a MUST READ for any network marketer.

How To Order Postcard Recruiting Secrets:


Just clear your cookies.

Click on my link below:

Order Postcard Recruiting Secrets

And order.  Then forward your receipt to my email.

And I'll get you hooked up within the next 48 hours with everything.

Got questions? Call me at


If you've already seen the webinar, you'll have to wait and watch it again to get my bonuses for Postcard Recruiting Secrets (it's worth it!)

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